Specialist Care

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We are registered with The Care Quality Commission (CQC) and have the technical and professional ability to deliver a fully enhanced and specialist care service to our clients.

Our experienced teams are experts in the field of care. We provide additional training whenever a need is identified and targeted training for care staff who need specialised knowledge and skills.

We recruit experienced care practitioners and provide them with extensive training, tailored to meet the needs of their case loads. As a result of our dynamic attitude to training needs analysis and ongoing training support, Care Outcomes teams are second-to-none when it comes to knowledge and practical skills.

The training provided for our specialist and enhanced care packages may include: home dialysis, blood sugar monitoring, buccal administration, care planning and risk assessment, medication risk management, continence and catheter care, multiple sclerosis awareness, dementia awareness, percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy (PEG), TPN feeds, pressure area assessment, stoma care, falls, motor neurone disease awareness, home oxygen therapy, Huntington’s Disease management, introduction to epidemiology and aetiology, behaviour modification, tracheotomy care, continuous positive airways’ pressure, non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, report writing and record keeping.

We also provide additional support to Allied Health Professionals in the provision of specialist and complex care for clients by implementing prescribed treatments, such as physiotherapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) exercises.

Where enhanced support is needed, we ensure that our care staff are trained in-situ with the specific client. This not only ensures continuity of the client’s care and support, it enables the training to be tailored to their specific needs.

Training such as blood sugar monitoring, buccal administration, continence and catheter care, advanced chronic disease management, diabetes awareness, percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy (PEG), pressure area assessment, stoma care and home oxygen therapy management, is usually trained by clinicians who are involved in the client’s support plan.