
We invest heavily in training our workforce. As well as our comprehensive induction program, we require all staff; (Healthcare Assistant’s – HCA’s) to complete an NVQ Level 2 in Health and Social Care, this will be arranged and coordinated by our branch staff and liaise with our training team. All managers spend time delivering care in the community to maintain their understanding of work in ‘the field’.

Our induction and mandatory training process is:

  • Mandatory organisational induction (2 days)
  • Full induction process (12 weeks) leading to the Care Certificate
  • Meet and greet with Registered Director Jo Ivison
  • Shadowing until signed off as competent (up to 12 weeks)
  • Medication Competency Observation(s)
  • Dementia Friends training and Dignity Champions training
  • (if no equivalent qualification) NVQ Level 2 Health and Social Care

The COUK Virtual Hospital

We have a very well-resourced training facility. As well as materials to teach theory of care, our ‘Virtual Hospital’, complete with the full complement of furniture, aids, assistive technologies such as hoists, props and other materials -provides hands-on, direct experience of delivering personal care, moving and handling, first aid and enhanced health care and re-ablement practices supplements this training

Delivering the Care Certificate

The Care Certificate workbook is presented to our CS on day one of their employment.

Training Courses

We work in association with Magpie Training to offer the following courses:

Blood Glucose Monitoring

Unit Title: Blood Glucose Monitoring (BM Awareness)

Provisional Level: 2

Guided Learning Hours: 2

Purpose and Aim:

To equip care workers with the skills and knowledge to monitor blood glucose levels. As an alternative or compliment to Diabetes Awareness, this course shows learners the principles of testing and monitoring. There is also a thorough explanation of the conditions that high and low blood sugar levels can cause.

Learners go on to explore the support needs of service users and carers when BM is required and discuss the types of treatment and therapy used to alleviate symptoms

Techniques of blood testing are examined and learners have the opportunity to test blood under controlled conditions.


Buccal Administration of Medication

Unit Title: Buccal Administration of Medication

Provisional Level: 2

Guided learning Hours: 2

Purpose and Aim:

To equip care workers with the skills to administer medication via access to the buccal mucosa of the mouth and ensure understanding of current safe practice in administering oral medication.

  • The learner must define the phrase “route of administration”
  • Identify the factors that can influence the route of administration.
  • Define the terms ‘local use’ and ‘systemic use’, and explain how these uses are put into effect.
  • List the major routes of administration and the advantages and disadvantages associated with each dosing form.
  • Discuss correct techniques for oral/ buccal administration.
  • Answer set questions on oral medication.
  • Demonstrate correct method and procedure for administering oral medication.



Unit Title: Diabetes

Provisional level: 2

Guided Learning Hours: 2

Purpose and Aim:

  • To equip care workers with skills and knowledge about diabetes and how it affects the body.
  • Discuss what information people with diabetes require in order to understand their condition and appropriate education strategies to provide this information.
  • Discuss best practice care for people with diabetes.
  • Discuss the role of carers in promoting best practice care.
  • Discuss guidelines in relation to care planning for diabetes

Learners go on to explore the support needs of service users and carers when diabetes is diagnosed and discuss the types of treatment and therapy to alleviate symptoms.

Techniques of blood testing are examined and learners have the opportunity to test blood under controlled conditions.


Epilepsy and Seizures

Unit Title: Epilepsy and Seizures

Provisional Level: 2

Guided Learning Hours: 2

Purpose and aim:

To equip care workers with the skills and knowledge to examine epilepsy and promote awareness of the condition, its symptoms and responses to individuals living with epilepsy.

Risk assessment and risk management strategies are considered to enable staff to support service users.

The course covers the following:

  • What is epilepsy and what causes it?
  • Early seizure symptoms (warnings).
  • The classification of seizures, and analysing the symptoms.
  • Possible triggers.
  • Risk assessment, what are the risk factors?
  • How would you know if someone is having a seizure?
  • Become familiar with different kinds of seizures.
  • First aid advice for supporting people whilst having a seizure.
  • Medication and Epilepsy.


Parkinson’s Disease Awareness

Unit Title: Parkinson’s Disease Awareness

Provisional Level: 2

Guided Learning Hours: 2

Purpose and aim:

To equip care workers with skills and knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s Disease.

Learning includes discussing physical therapy, drug therapy and surgery. New research relating to PD is discussed. The course also covers clinical and cost effectiveness of treatments in the community.

Learners explore the support needs of service users and carers when treatment for PD is started and when the type of treatment and therapy should be reviewed.

Techniques of support (equipment, management etc):

  • Identification and management of complications arising from treatments and/or complications and progression of Parkinson’s Disease.


Peritoneal Dialysis

Unit Title: Peritoneal Dialysis

Provisional Level: 2

Guided Learning Hours: 2

Purpose and Aim:

To equip care workers with skills and knowledge about peritoneal dialysis. Follows the NICE guidelines for adults with a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease stage 5 who need or who are receiving renal replacement therapy.

Factors that influence the choice of dialysis includes:

Clinical and cost effectiveness of peritoneal dialysis in the community compared with:

  • Haemodialysis in the hospital (or other similar settings, such as satellite units).
  • Haemodialysis in the community.

Relative clinical and cost effectiveness of the different types of peritoneal dialysis:

Automated, including

  • AAPD (assisted automated peritoneal dialysis)
  • CAPD (continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis).

Learners explore the support needs of service users and carers when peritoneal dialysis is started. They also learn when the type of renal replacement therapy should be switched, either to or from, peritoneal dialysis.

The course covers techniques of peritoneal dialysis (the equipment, preparation for dialysis, ultra-filtration and fluid management, access and withdrawal)

Information provided includes the identification and management of complications arising from dialysis management of acute presentation of CKD.

The course also gives information on phases of PD, solution administration, documentation, fluid balance, catheter and exit site care, symptoms of peritonitis and basic emergency procedures.


Stroke Awareness

Unit Title: Stroke Awareness

Provisional Level: 2

Guided Learning Hours: 2

Purpose and Aim:

  • To equip care workers with skills and knowledge about diagnosis and emergency treatment of stroke.
  • Starting with the FAST Test, learners are shown how to spot common, and not so common, signs and warnings that indicate stroke, well in advance of the event.
  • To identify those at higher risk from both Stroke and TIA.

It’s more difficult to identify the Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) or minor stroke. About one in five people who have a TIA go on to have a stroke, so spotting a TIA can save lives and prevent long-term disability.

Learners go on to explore the support needs of service users and carers when stroke has been diagnosed and discover the alternative types of treatment and therapy.

The course investigates techniques of rehabilitation (including equipment, preparation and management). Prevention strategies are analysed.

Contact us today for more information or call us on: 0191 519 7465