About Us

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Care Outcomes was established in 2012. The intention was to create an organisation dedicated to providing person-centred care within the community, delivered by a team of highly skilled healthcare professionals.

Today, Care Outcomes remains committed to our strong core values and the continual evaluation and improvement of our services. We are positioned to meet the needs of the national continuing health model and have an ongoing recruitment drive designed to source the very best talent and experienced care professionals.

We are passionate about both the people we care for and our valuable staff. We’ve installed an advanced programme of training and integration within the wider health and social care landscape.

We strive to provide the best possible support and care to enable people to live independently within their own homes. Our approach is holistic, focusing not only on the individual’s medical and personal care needs but on their emotional well-being and quality of life.

All our care services are tailored to meet the individual’s unique requirements. Our care plans are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in circumstances and specific needs.

Our branch staff visit every new client in their own home on the commencement of our service. This gives her insight into each client’s needs. It also allows us to reassure clients and their families that we don’t just say we operate an “Open Door” policy – we give them a real opportunity to speak to us.

We take pride in our clients’ achievements, often overcoming difficult challenges and transitions with the help of our care staff. This is testimony to our carers and the huge effort they put into providing exactly what each of their clients needs.

Our Core Values









Open and honest




Caring isn’t just about providing help with practical tasks. At Care Outcomes, we enjoy taking our clients out and about. After all, collecting daily smiles is one of our most important goals.

Here’s Lily enjoying her time at the beach with Macy. Lily’s smile says it all.

Contact us today for more information or call us on: 0191 519 7465